Sunday, August 06, 2006

Auto Immorality

The cars in a church parking lot always bemuse me as I pass by. The immorality of autos is lost on most congregants trying so hard to make it into heaven.

Automobiles kill more than two million people worldwide annually and critically injure millions more including millions of children. In America, according to the US Bureau of Transportation Statistics, more than 12,000 children and 30,000 adults were killed in highway accidents in 2003 and nearly 3 million were injured. Three passengers were killed in train accidents in the same year.

Automobiles overshadow coal-fired power plants as the single largest source of air pollution in the US. The car is not God’s chariot but rather His world’s nemesis. If religious conservatives are responsible for putting the oil-based Bush family in the Whitehouse, then they should also take responsibility for the President’s policy of continued reliance on oil imports. We all know families burdened by both the automobile’s financial and human costs.

High speed trains that Europe and Asia have invested in save precious lives, cause minimal pollution and provide an opportunity for people to meet, sleep, work or eat without the fear of death or the cost in time and money that commuting cars demand. A well-designed train system is faster, safer, cheaper, cleaner and moral.

A relatively small number of people can lay miles of rail in a day whereas a greater number of highway workers can claim their progress only in feet. As Michigan’s automobile manufacturing industry fades into the sunset along with low gas prices, maybe building quiet, 150mph trains can be a new beginning for our State.

For those congregants returning to their expensive, dangerous and polluting SUV’s in the church parking lot, I do drive a car and I am immoral.


At 6:58 PM, Blogger Michael Kelley said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, Joe!

Whenever I read something pertaining to American car culture, I can't help but think of Ivan Illich and his article Energy and Equity. Illich has long resonated with me on this subject, and many others (e.g. deschooling society), and I am heartened by your call to check our current course.


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